Challenge directly, care deeply: Radical Candor explained

radical candor explained

Radical Candor Explained

There are many styles of management philosophies out there, one of the most popular ones being Radical Candor. At the heart of this approach is offering guidance and feedback that's kind, clear, specific and sincere. In this edition of ‘Thrive in 5’, we break down the concept and explain how you can be a Radical Candor leader, too.

Where are we now?

four quadrants to radical candor

Four quadrants to radical candor

  • The approach most likely to get positive results, Radical Candor, asks that we care personally while challenging directly. This is different from brutal honesty, where the recipient’s feelings aren’t considered while giving them feedback.

What can you do?

Radical Candor Cartoon

Radical Candor in action…

  • Radical Candor is a behaviour that leaders can practice and learn, rather than a personality trait one possesses.

  • In order to practice Radical Candor, a leader must solicit feedback to show they can accept criticism too.

  • When it is time to guide others, provide both praise and criticism, but focus more on the positive.

What’s next?

Offering guidance and feedback that’s kind, clear, specific, and sincere is at the core of building trust. Remember, Radical Candor is a framework for giving and receiving feedback that is clear and precise while being rooted in empathy for the recipient.


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