Mastering the art of appreciation

With Employee Appreciation Day taking place on 4 March and International Women’s Day on 8 March, it’s only timely that we dive into the topics of acknowledgement and appreciation - both which lie at the heart of these two important occasions.

Where are we now?

  • Appreciation is often used interchangeably with recognition. Yet recognition is about applauding a person’s performance on something, whereas appreciation involves acknowledging their inherent traits. In other words, recognition is about what people do and appreciation is about who they are.

  • As society evolves, we’re becoming more accepting of ideas previously considered unimportant, such as mental health, self-care and self-appreciation.

What can you do?

  • Showing appreciation isn’t only about elaborate gestures. Simple things like giving an employee your full attention and truly listening instead of hearing goes a long way.

  • Tell people - the women in your lives and colleagues at work - what you value about them. Do this often, and without any particular purpose. Ask how they’re doing (and mean it).

What's next?:


Why self-care is essential to work-life balance


Why maintaining boundaries requires the right support system